Advent of Supercomputing: Index
December 26, 2023 -
Supercomputing @ UCSD
We hope you have enjoyed learning more commands. It has been a blast seeing what tips and tricks each other knows, and we are sure they will serve others as they has served us. We look forward to another year of supercomputing with you.
We’ll see you all next year!
- Gping/mtr/nmap
- xev/wev
- gnuplot
- Ab-av1 / ffmpeg
- thefrick
- sagemath
- mdbook
- ncdu/diskonaut/Dust
- lstopo
- lazygit
- Null Pointer & File Sharing
- rclone
- zoxide
- rr
- setxcbmap
- tesseract-ocr
- taskset
- gitignore/template
- pushd/popd
- mktemp/tmpfs
- figlet/btop/… Eye Candy etc.
- mosh
- jq
- tldr